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Oct 5, 2011

A Mother's Dangerous Habits

Watch what you say about these 5 things for your daughter happy and beautiful inside and out.

Self-criticism has become every woman's innate. Along with maturity, she could sort out for themselves what that criticism is important and how to make the criticism as an encouragement to live. But just imagine if the same criticism received by young women, will they know what to do?..
This is where your role as mother. Not only provide education to the adolescent period, but you also have to hold back and select all the opinions from your mouth so as not to be misunderstood by children. Almost all children and women by taking self-image of his mother. They are very close and usually the child will be doing his best to please his mother. Unfortunately, they are not wise enough in choosing how to please her mother and mothers are often not aware if he is so adored by his daughter. Here are five things that often lead to misunderstandings.

Body shape

It was just plain a woman complains' oh, my stomach bulge .. female body disgusting like this'. The perception that your daughter is 'oh no, my belly bulge too .. this should not happen,' and she started furiously eliminate that belly.

Or in another case, a mother was so proud and indifferent in his bathtub stocky man. That's exactly right for the mother to believe in myself, because his body was already like that. But for her daughter? There is still a chance for his body could be more beautiful. Embedding an image that women do not need to take care of yourself is the wrong thing.

Weight loss

It's pretty slim, but many women are too fixated on weight, not body shape. Rose 2 kg only, a mother had panicked and immediately with the strict diet. His daughter, who saw this, unconsciously has instilled in his mind that the weight gain of 2 kg was already disaster and imitating her mother steps to a strict diet.

Conversely, large-bodied mothers who eat a hobby and indeed, continue to say that 'big is beauty', 'live to enjoy the food lifeline' and other expressions of confidence, it makes her think the same and do not care if his body began to swell.

Style dress

There are many reasons that affect a woman's dress style. The mothers usually are not too concerned about the appearance, citing the costly price or felt it was no longer in style. Without good direction from his mother, a young woman will tend to imitate the style of dress of the mother. Especially if the reason 'style is not important', then a good daughter would not dare whine at her mother's fashion business.

Sex education

Until now there are many mothers who feel uncomfortable talking about sex and female organs with his daughter. In fact, with her daughter who else would ask if not to her mother? A friend has a daughter, who did not know if her daughter is not good hygiene when her son was diagnosed with a tumor on the cervix. There are also cases, as they often saw his mother does not wear a bra at home, a young woman refused to wear a bra until the subject of ridicule at school. Finally he was using a bra, but the experience of being ridiculed it had happened in his life.

10 Things Your Teen Son Withheld


Want to know how to understand and provide appropriate treatment for your teen? The following points may be able to open your horizons.

Often wondered what was bothering mind your teenager? Find it difficult to understand when all of a sudden your son and daughter daydreaming you always feel resentful?
It is a futile effort if you force them to tell what was happening.

The teens really hope that parents can understand them without having to tell a story, although it does not all children are equal. There is nothing wrong if you give the appropriate form of attention to what they want.

1. She needs privacy

Teenagers most do not like it when parents do not provide privacy at all. They also hate it when parents do not think they need it. If your children sleep in one room, give each child a specific area, such as cabinets or tables. Do not search the room for no reason that states that your child is lying or hiding something. "All the kids these days using drugs" are not included in the category of sensible reasons.

2. You as a listener

Many teenagers who want to tell everything to my father and mother, but they do not like to lecture. Sometimes, your teen just wanted to pour what's on his mind, not like you to help in the problems they face. For example, when your son complained about the teacher being unfair, hook him to express his heart with questions of a general nature, such as "What makes you feel that?". Remember, do not suddenly give advice or intervene in the matter.

3. Dating, when you are banning

"I did not tell parents that has been dating for a year because they were not allowed to have a girlfriend," says Marla, 15. "They knew we were often together, but I say that we were just friends." Try to calmly react to it even though it bothered you, instead of making your daughter dating secretly.

4. Bad value

Children do not tell when he gets a bad grade because you say they are afraid to disappoint. Try to understand that the child also has a sense of saturation in the study. When they got a poor grade does not mean they can not achieve good value right?

5. Do not want to discuss sex

According to a survey by the government, 47 percent of middle school students had ever had sex. Let's say your child is included in 47 percent. You are still lucky to be able to do something, such as providing education about sexually transmitted diseases and birth rate control. Do not force in giving advice.

6. He wants you fair

Your child does not like it when you defend her sister on the grounds that she was older. For example, when the youngest child said: dirty, your silence. In fact, when his younger brother's age, the oldest son got a big problem when it said the same thing. It is important to consider the situation in addressing the child's behavior. Your child will respect you more if you are fair and wise.

7. Do not want to hurt

Of course your children who are experiencing hard times will feel worse off if you scold. Try to draw a deep breath a few times to calm down and understand the condition of your daughter. Maybe he ignored the laundry out of duty or restless waiting for a phone call from friend special.

8. Lying to avoid problems

"Sometimes I did not go home for being too drunk to drive," said Aaron, 19. "I lied to them because if I tell the truth, they would be angry." Allowing minors to drink alcohol was not a wise action. However, you do not want your child's safety is at stake only to keep his home in a hurry at night is not it? If the child picked up a call and ask, save the question and your advice for the next morning.

9. Do not want to age as an excuse

One moment you say, "You're 17 years old, be more mature." Namaun, at other times, you will say, "You're not old enough to do it because you're still 17 years old!". Because "age-appropriate" is something relative, use the more obvious limitations, such as "Every member of this family went to church every Sunday."

10. Want to be trusted

If you do not trust your son or daughter, they will feel you have more faith in what others have to say than the words. If you accuse of origin and this continues with baseless reasons, the child will eventually be fed up and do something dishonest. Believe in your child before there are strong reasons that require that you do not trust him anymore.

How to Slim Without Exercise and Healthy Eating

For some people, eating healthy and exercising seem like a daunting task so difficult to do so. But there are some simple habits that can help keep your weight in order not to overweight even though you do not like exercise and healthy eating.

Regular exercise and changing diet to healthy foods is the best way to maintain an ideal weight freedom or lose weight. But not everyone can do that.

Here are some simple habits you can do to lose weight or maintain ideal body weight for people who do not like to exercise and eat healthy, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (08/19/2011):

1. Do not leave the breakfast
According to the Mayo Clinic, skipping breakfast causes your body to store more fat and make people more likely to overeat in the middle of the day because he felt so hungry. Get used to store less fat breakfast and give energy to become more active throughout the day.

2. Reducing portion size and eat slowly
If you still want to enjoy favorite foods, then cut back the portions and eat slowly at each meal. Chewing food slowly will make you have the time to the stomach sends a signal to the brain indicating satiety. This will help reduce overall calorie intake, no matter what kind of food you eat.

3. Making your own food
According to the BBC, processed foods and fast food are much higher fat content, sugar and sodium (salt) than non-processed foods. Try making your own food you love with a lower sugar content, fat and salt. By making your own food slowly you start trying to reduce fat, sugar and salt.

4. Develop an active lifestyle
You do not have to spend hours in the gym and the treadmill for exercise. Try to run fast when you go to the mall to shop. Play an energetic game with a pet dog or going to play to the beach can also burn calories. Find a club with music that you like and go dancing. Choose activities that you really like, that will make you involuntarily can burn calories.

Leaves Marijuana Increases Risk of Mental Disorders

The use of cannabis is continuously not only make people addicted but also damage the brain and body. Cannabis also increases the risk of someone experiencing a mental disorder.

Experts warn that teenagers or young adults who use marijuana have a greater risk of psychosis, which is the term used to describe someone who has broken up with reality, usually often experience delusions and halunisasi.

The relationship between cannabis and psychosis has long been debated and this encourages its consumer to be able to escape and heal themselves from the effects of cannabis.

To learn more obvious, researchers have studied and examined data on more than 1,900 people aged 14 to 24 years at the beginning of the study. The study followed up until eight years later to assess the association between cannabis use and psychotic symptoms.

As a result, people who were not users at the beginning of the study and later became a user during the study period, had a higher risk of experiencing psychotic symptoms later.

While the people who are already using marijuana since the beginning of the study and continue until the end of the study, also experienced an increased risk of psychotic.

"The use of cannabis is a risk factor for the development of incident psychotic," said Sir Robin Murray, professor of psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, as reported by the Independent on Saturday (03/05/2011).

According to Professor Murray, this study provides information about evidence that has been solid enough that the continuous use of cannabis may increase risk of psychotic symptoms.

"This study is one of 10 prospective studies are all pointing in the same direction," added Professor Murray.

In short, said Prof Murray, this study adds further data to evidence showing that cannabis use is a contributor of psychosis such as schizophrenia (madness).

"This is the report an interesting and potentially important by the research team. It offers more evidence that cannabis use is a risk factor for psychosis, and recommends a cautious approach and wise to marijuana laws," said Peter Kinderman, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Liverpool.

How to Fight Pain Natural Sleep


Just before and after lunch most people would be affected by drowsiness and try hard to make her eyes awake. There are several ways you can do to make the eyes stay awake.

Many things can cause a person to feel sleepy, such as sleep deprivation, fatigue, boredom or lack of oxygen. And most people deal with how to drink coffee.

As quoted from WebMD on Thursday (01/06/2011) there are some natural ways you can do to make the eyes awake, namely:

1. Wake up from his seat and move or walk
Studies conducted Robert Thayer, PhD from California State University, Long Beach show runs for 10 minutes can increase the energy for 2 hours. This is because with a short walk, oxygen will be pumped into the blood vessels, brain and muscle. Walking or moving for 10 minutes will make people stay awake and fresh.

2. Taking a nap for a while
Napping is done should only 5-25 minutes and no more than that, and sleeping on the desk is not a good idea. If you can not take a nap, try to rest for 10 minutes, closing the eyes, it also can help.

3. Rest my eyes to avoid fatigue
Continually looking at a computer will cause eye fatigue and can exacerbate drowsiness. Try turning the computer screen for several minutes on a regular basis so that the eyes become more relaxed.

4. Try to start a conversation
Engaging in a conversation can make the mind moves back and included in the behavior of a very strong stimulator. Talk with colleagues about any thing.

5. Try to breathe deeply
Breathing deeply can improve blood oxygen levels in the body, thus slowing the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, improve circulation and help performance. Try sitting upright with one hand on the abdomen just below the rib cage and another hand on his chest. Inhale deeply through your nose and let your belly push the hand without making the chest move.

6. Changing the task to stimulate the mind
The monotony of the job could make a person drowsy and fell asleep, so try substituting the task being undertaken to stimulate the mind and make it stay awake.

7. Consuming water to prevent dehydration
Dehydration can cause fatigue that led to the attacks of sleep. Make sure the body gets enough fluids from water and food with high water content like fruits and vegetables.

8. Eating healthy snacks to boost energy
Sweet snacks that can provide quick energy boost. Foods that can provide energy with a good, comprehensive and long-term such as yogurt, fresh fruit, baby carrots or peanut butter with wheat crackers.

Esophageal Symptoms Night Eating Syndrome


Some people are very careful to avoid or even dinner. But people who suffer from Night Eating Syndrome (NES or dinner syndrome) actually eat the middle of the night or early morning until sometimes cause sleep disturbance.

Night eating syndrome is one of the mental disorder that makes people just want to eat in the evening after the dinner hour and did not eat again at breakfast or lunch.

This syndrome usually occurs in people who are undergoing a strict diet program so it does not eat for breakfast and lunch, and charge all the needs of the stomach at dinner.

People who experience frequent dinner syndrome caused by depression and anxiety, diet prolonged or excessive boredom.

Reported by WebMD, Friday (01/14/2011), people with night eating syndrome often experience symptoms as follows:

1. Little or no appetite at all during breakfast and lunch
2. Eat more after dinner time
3. Eating more than half the daily intake at dinner time
4. Woke up at midnight to eat meals a lot and go back to sleep again

This syndrome can be dangerous to health because people with the syndrome dinner will experience a decrease in the hormone melatonin (sleep hormone) and leptin (a hormone that controls appetite). At the same time, the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) actually rose.

What appears to be real, people with this syndrome will have less time to sleep, which causes various health problems such as obesity, diabetes, heart and other serious illnesses.

How to cope?

Because people with the syndrome dinner decreased hormone melatonin and leptin, the hormone therapy can help to promote sleep and reduce hunger in the evening.

Adding carbohydrate intake can also help because it can stimulate production of insulin which increases levels of tryptophan in the brain, which are substances derived serotonin.

Besides helping people to sleep, serotonin also make people feel happy and glad that can overcome depression.

Equally Healthy, Uberseks More Macho Men of Metroseks

Equally like to treat the body and go to the gym make uberseksual and metrosexual men have a healthy body. But generally men uberseksual more macho than the metrosexual. Pamor metrosexual men than men are now dimmed uberseksual.

If the name comes from the male metrosexual men who live in metropolitan cities, then uberseks derived from German, means all the biggest or the best. Men uberseks not always synonymous with big cities like men metroseks.

Men who pay attention to her appearance will diligently go to the gym to exercise, to adjust his diet so that the calories in moderation and pay attention to cleanliness of the body.

Exercise of men and metroseks uberseks regularly will help increase levels of health that made him feel happier, so avoid the depression or excessive kecemasana.

While the diet is maintained will make it avoid the risk of obesity is a risk factor of various diseases, and a clean body will make it protected from fungal infections or diseases that stuck to the skin.

In a study conducted in 2003 described the difference between metrosexual and also uberseksual. The result is more macho men uberseks very high because the masculine side, while men look macho metroseks less because too many think looks like a woman.

In the male metrosexual obvious sign is the willingness to indulge themselves as well-dressed and do some things like women, such as facial and body treatments.

While the signs are clearly visible to general uberseksual man he is less concerned with fashion but is more likely to develop his own style and be consistent with the style.

Uberseksual men also have something called the M-ness, namely the side of masculinity that combines strength, honor and character, but still has positive qualities associated with women such as caring for the body, likes to talk and cooperation.

Although both are excellent attention to his health, briefly there are some differences between men uberseksual with metrosexual as reported by Askmen, Wednesday (16/02/2011), namely:

Men Uberseksual
  1. Having a passion to business, politics and global affairs and do not really focus with yourself
  2. Women are highly respected, but to hang out more choose to join the group of men
  3. Source of inspiration is the experience itself
  4. Priority is owned around the world consider to be not only the problem itself
  5. Men are more emotional uberseksual
  6. Uberseksual diligently to shave his beard and mustache every day
  7. Greatly appreciate the quality and integrity

Metrosexual male
  1. Having passion about her own alias to do things according to his wishes.
  2. Woman becomes his best friend, including when he was hanging out to feel comfortable with women.
  3. Source of inspiration following a stylist like Casron Kressley, how good-looking.
  4. Priority attention to the calories that go
  5. Metrosexual male is not easy emotionally
  6. Metrosexual does not have to shave my beard and mustache every day but there are certain times to shave the hair on his body
  7. Obsessed with food intake and performance

Although this uberseksual phenomenon is relatively new, but some people are known to have dropped his choice to become a man uberseksual like P Diddy, Brad Pitt, Jay-Z, Michael Jordan.

Women Can Orgasm mind More Clear

If the male orgasm very draining, the woman makes the mind more clearly. Extra energy gained from sexual satisfaction to the X-factor that determines the success of the women tough.

According to research, women who frequent orgasms tend to be more successful careers than those who rarely or never orgasm.

A psychologist once sex consultant in the UK, Dr Lisa Turner said women who experienced orgasm regularly have endurance stronger. As a result the frequency of skipping work with the excuse of illness will be reduced.

Orgasm in women is also associated with an increased ability to maintain concentration at work. Top of pleasure in sex is to provide extra energy in women to improve work performance so that his career would progress more smoothly.

"Women who can orgasm will make his thoughts more clearly," said Dr. Lisa as quoted by the Femalefirst, Sunday (23/01/2011).

Unfortunately not all women can achieve orgasm in every sexual intercourse does. A research has shown, 28 percent of women rarely or never experienced orgasm and most of them fake an orgasm just to make her partner is not burdened with guilt.

"Failed to get an orgasm or even have to pretend will only drain energy. For women, this condition greatly affects its performance in running the business and jobs," added Dr. Lisa.

The relationship between career success with a woman's sex life is not really new findings among scientists. Another study conducted at the University of Wisconsin showed that successful career women who generally have more satisfying sex life.

10 Minutes Perfect Time for Love


During this time many men and women seem to believe in fantasy sex that lasted all night long. But actually the perfect time to feel sexual satisfaction is only 10 minutes of penetration.

Popular culture tends to glorify sex relationship with a long time. As a result, there is a perception that sex or sex marathon that lasted a long time regarded as a fun sex.

Results of a survey carried out research institute of the Society for Sex Threapy and Research, as reported by on Wednesday (01/26/2011), defines the time range is ideal for sexual activity, is as follows:

1. 1-2 minutes, which is too short sex
2. 3-7 minutes, adequate sex
3. 7-13 minutes, the desired sex
4. 10 minutes, the perfect sex
5. 10-30, which is too long sex

This time is was the only time when there is penetration sex genital organs. So do not include heating activities (foreplay) and cooling (afterplay).

"Many people who believe in fantasies like big penis sex, rock hard erections and sexual intercourse during the night. Fantasy is not realistic that just makes people disappointed and dissatisfied," explained Eric Corty, an associate professor of psychology at Penn State University.

According Corty, with the findings that have been published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, it is hoped will eliminate a lot of sexual fantasies and encourage men and women having sex with a realistic time.

The survey results also have profound implications for the treatment for people with sexual problems.

"If there are sexual problems patients complained about how long intercourse should last, these data can help shift attention to patients about physical disorders that can be treated with counseling, not medicine," Corty said.

Diligently Eat Watermelon Good for Men


Watermelon most often served as a fruit and desserts in a variety of events, because of easily available and contain many vitamins and antioxidants that are good for health. It also contains important nutrients that are beneficial to man's sex life. What is it?

In addition to many contain vitamin C, potassium and vitamin B6, watermelon also contains antioxidant compounds that help fight free radicals cause cellular damage.

Not only that, watermelon is also rich in amino acids citrulline and arginine, which both have a positive impact on the body. Research shows that nutrients in watermelon is to provide an abundance of benefits, especially for male sexual capability.

Some of the benefits of watermelon for the sex life of men as reported by LIVESTRONG on Thursday (01/19/2011):

1. Preventing prostate cancer
According to research from Curtin University of Technology in Australia, watermelon contains many antioxidant lycopene that may protect men against prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer. In addition, men with prostate cancer may experience decreased sexual function and fertility because of radiation treatment techniques.

2. Treating type 2 diabetes
High content of arginine in watermelon can help treat diabetes type 2 (due to lifestyle). Studies have found arginine can improve glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, both of which help lower the high glucose levels and is associated with diabetes.

Men who have diabetes is associated with loss of sexual performance due to erectile dysfunction.

3. Improve blood vessel function
According to research from Texas A & M University, citrulline is found in watermelon can help improve blood vessel function. Researchers found that citrulline can increase nitric oxide production, namely the gas molecules that help expand and dilate blood vessels. Therefore, the watermelon is often referred to has the effect of Viagra because it can facilitate blood flow to the penis.

4. Lowering blood pressure
Watermelon also has long been known as a fruit that can lower blood pressure. With normal blood pressure, men increasingly turned away with all the dangerous diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Diligent Push Up Add a Macho Men Make


Aka macho manly man is a man who had a normal or high testosterone levels. One way to increase testosterone levels is to diligently push-ups.

Resistance exercises such as push-ups can raise levels of testosterone in the body and increase muscle strength as reported by the LIVESTRONG, Sunday (02/06/2011).

Men who have high testosterone levels will have a good sexual ability, has a tight muscle, have strong bones and of course the chance for longevity.

MedicalNewsToday write low level of testosterone has been associated with osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure and increase in visceral fat (fat that surrounds internal organs are not visible but vital), both in men and women.

Push-up exercise that is cheap and easy because it does not require any equipment can offer tremendous health benefits.

So consider doing push-ups as kagiatan workout routine that not only keeps the body healthy, but also increases testosterone.

Benefits of push ups that make diligent macho men in addition to enhanced sexual performance is:

1. Muscle toning
According to a 1998 study conducted by researchers from Penn State University and published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, testosterone consistently respond to the muscle.

Push ups using the large muscles of the chest, namely the large deltoid muscle in the shoulder and triceps. Also other muscles, including abdominal muscles act as stabilizers.

2. Preventing osteoporosis
According to the Hormone Foundation, the low levels of testosterone can contribute to loss of bone density over time and lead to osteoporosis in men.

Low levels of testosterone can also cause loss of muscle mass and overall strength, and muscle atrophy from time to time.

3. Longevity
A 2008 study conducted by researchers from the University of Greifswald in Germany showed that low levels of testosterone may increase the risk of diabetes, hypertension, obesity and even death.

The study followed participants for more than seven years found that men with low testosterone levels are 2.5 times more likely to die earlier than people with higher testosterone levels, regardless of smoking, alcohol consumption or age.

4. Eliminate belly fat
Rush University Medical Center researchers in a study of 2009 which was published in the journal Obesity, found a correlation between low testosterone levels and fluctuate in menopausal women to accumulate visceral fat, the fat that accumulate in and around vital organs near the waist.

Neither age nor race participants are not proven to be a significant factor in the amount of visceral fat. Testosterone levels are actually proven to be a 'predictor' strongest visceral fat. Making exercise push ups to increase testosterone can help keep the fat on your stomach.

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