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Oct 5, 2011

Equally Healthy, Uberseks More Macho Men of Metroseks

Equally like to treat the body and go to the gym make uberseksual and metrosexual men have a healthy body. But generally men uberseksual more macho than the metrosexual. Pamor metrosexual men than men are now dimmed uberseksual.

If the name comes from the male metrosexual men who live in metropolitan cities, then uberseks derived from German, means all the biggest or the best. Men uberseks not always synonymous with big cities like men metroseks.

Men who pay attention to her appearance will diligently go to the gym to exercise, to adjust his diet so that the calories in moderation and pay attention to cleanliness of the body.

Exercise of men and metroseks uberseks regularly will help increase levels of health that made him feel happier, so avoid the depression or excessive kecemasana.

While the diet is maintained will make it avoid the risk of obesity is a risk factor of various diseases, and a clean body will make it protected from fungal infections or diseases that stuck to the skin.

In a study conducted in 2003 described the difference between metrosexual and also uberseksual. The result is more macho men uberseks very high because the masculine side, while men look macho metroseks less because too many think looks like a woman.

In the male metrosexual obvious sign is the willingness to indulge themselves as well-dressed and do some things like women, such as facial and body treatments.

While the signs are clearly visible to general uberseksual man he is less concerned with fashion but is more likely to develop his own style and be consistent with the style.

Uberseksual men also have something called the M-ness, namely the side of masculinity that combines strength, honor and character, but still has positive qualities associated with women such as caring for the body, likes to talk and cooperation.

Although both are excellent attention to his health, briefly there are some differences between men uberseksual with metrosexual as reported by Askmen, Wednesday (16/02/2011), namely:

Men Uberseksual
  1. Having a passion to business, politics and global affairs and do not really focus with yourself
  2. Women are highly respected, but to hang out more choose to join the group of men
  3. Source of inspiration is the experience itself
  4. Priority is owned around the world consider to be not only the problem itself
  5. Men are more emotional uberseksual
  6. Uberseksual diligently to shave his beard and mustache every day
  7. Greatly appreciate the quality and integrity

Metrosexual male
  1. Having passion about her own alias to do things according to his wishes.
  2. Woman becomes his best friend, including when he was hanging out to feel comfortable with women.
  3. Source of inspiration following a stylist like Casron Kressley, how good-looking.
  4. Priority attention to the calories that go
  5. Metrosexual male is not easy emotionally
  6. Metrosexual does not have to shave my beard and mustache every day but there are certain times to shave the hair on his body
  7. Obsessed with food intake and performance

Although this uberseksual phenomenon is relatively new, but some people are known to have dropped his choice to become a man uberseksual like P Diddy, Brad Pitt, Jay-Z, Michael Jordan.


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