'After the military, the top four employers listed by twentysomethings were Walmart, Starbucks, Target, and Best Buy.' Mar 12th 2012, 18:25 From Good magazine: Nearly half of people ages 16 to 29 do not have a job. A quarter of those who do work in hospitality — travel, leisure, and, of course, food service. A study of 4 million Facebook profiles found that, after the military, the top four employers listed by twentysomethings were Walmart, Starbucks, Target, and Best Buy. The restaurant industry in particular is booming; one in 10 employed Americans now work in food service — 9.6 million of us. Those numbers are growing each year. Even though more and more laid-off, middle-aged Americans are turning to restaurant jobs, as of 2010 about two-thirds of food service workers are still under age 35. And the industry's workforce is more educated than it was just 10 years ago. In major U.S. cities, about 9 percent more food service workers have been to college. Read full article >> | |