"You don't even treat a dog that way," said Lisa Skidmore, whose 6-year-old daughter was forced to sit in her own filth in her kindergarten classroom when her teacher forbade a bathroom break during a test. KYTV's Sara Forhetz reports.
By Sevil Omer, msnbc.com
A Missouri mother says her 6-year-old daughter was humiliated after she was denied a bathroom break in her kindergarten class and was forced to sit in her diarrhea during a test session at school.
"They didn't even bother trying to clean her up or anything. She still had poop, diarrhea poop, coming out the back, up her front, down her legs," said the mother, Lisa Skidmore of Washburn, Mo., told KY3-TV on Tuesday.
KY3-TV, an NBC News affiliate in Springfield, Mo., was first to report the story.
The incident happened at Southwest Elementary School in Washburn, Mo., where children were participating in the Missouri Assessment Program tests; the state standardized testing required by law.
While tests are not administered until the third grade, the child's kindergarten teacher was sticking to MAP testing guidelines in efforts to simulate the stringent rules to prepare students for what's to come, School District Superintendent Bob Walker told KY3-TV on Tuesday.
"Bottom line, we regret what happened," Walker told KY3-TV.
Walker, who was contacted by msnbc.com on Thursday, said he met with the child’s parents on Wednesday.
“From our view point, this is a confidential matter and in regards to the media, we want it to remain that way,” Walker told msnbc.com.
In earlier interviews, Walker said he instructed teachers to be more sensitive to situations that might arise during tests.
"I don't want this to happen to any other kid. That's the point of this: I don't want this ever happening,” Walker said, according to KY3-TV.
The child’s mother said she has asked school officials for an explanation and a policy change.
"They told me that the teacher had asked her to go to the restroom before testing time," Skidmore said, according to KY3-TV.
Skidmore says her daughter was forced to sit in the class for the remainder of test time, about 15 minutes, then she was called after the test, and it was a 20-minute drive to the school, according to KY3-TV.
No one helped to clean up her child, she said. A teacher, however, did give the child a trash bag to wrap around herself, Skidmore said.
"You don't even treat a dog that way!" Skidmore told KY3-TV.
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