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Nov 1, 2014

Network Front | The Guardian: Its not just on Ebola that good science must prevail

Network Front | The Guardian
Latest news, sport, business, comment, analysis and reviews from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice 
Its not just on Ebola that good science must prevail
Nov 1st 2014, 17:30, by Nick Cohen

Nay-sayers are all too quick to decry scientific findings if they dont agree with their own cracked views

Kaci Hickox embodies all the American values conservatives say they admire. Shes tough you dont volunteer to leave New England to stem the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone unless you have courage. Shes a rugged individualist, filled with the pioneering spirit, who makes her own way, without waiting for the say-so of big government. No tax-dollar funded politician or bureaucrat is going to lock her up in the land of the free.

She knows, as every doctor knows, that Ebola is only transmitted through direct contact with bodily fluids of a symptomatic person that is a carrier who has developed or gone beyond the early symptoms of fevers and fatigue. Hickox has no symptoms and sees no reason to undergo house arrest to please an over-mighty state.

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